So I am bit more spasmodic with my daily as usual but continuing on.
Since I always have a good excuse for such things today’s special is . . . I am entertaining a cold.
Nothing serious just a slow down, get off the freeway and onto a backroad kind of thing.
Had a good coaching call with a book coach and the result was that it turns out my book is more “fantasy” than “cozy” which is what it is but takes a bit more of a mindset shift. I was all set to go with connecting with cozy readers and now, well, I just don’t know.
So I’m taking a break and just letting things simmer as I decide on what to do, what to do.
In the meantime I have several courses I’m working on – a new Pinterest course and an Adobe Audition course (for radio). Those two should be enough to keep me busy even on a back road.
I do have such a butterfly complex though really, I was rethinking that – and it seems to me more than an ADD butterfly kind of thing – I have more of a busy bee, flit from one flower to another kind of thing.
Six month update.
Turns out that I stopped writing the cozy mystery altogether. Not surprised. Soon as I get a bump in the road I go into crazy mode and drop everything.
Six months later and I’m tentatively thinking of taking up the cozy again except in the meantime I have so many projects going on that would be totally stupid. Duh.
Which of course, means, I will probably do it.
I rarely take my advice.
NW Book Fun in the Sun
I am 67 and will be 68 next month. I think somewhere along the line my brain pulled off the road and hasn’t rejoined my body.

I am six months into my monthly radio program on KXRW – called NW Book Talk.
So far every single episode has been a train wreck. Getting the audio right, the new editing program figured out (once I decided which one to finally go with) and getting the thing uploaded has been a challenge. That’s putting it mildly.
Every interview I think I have finally gotten things together and find that nope, not so. This morning happened again. But each time I learn what needs to be tweaked, fixed or dropped altogether. Sometimes the problem is with me, sometimes the person I’m interviewing and in most cases a bit of both.
Last year I worked on developing an Author Book Fair at the Covington House. NW Book Fun in the Sun I worked very hard on it, and it came off really well. 24 authors, a steady stream of visitors and some people (not me) sold lots of books!
Took the plunge to do it again but I don’t have the drive and enthusiasm I did last year. Somehow got to pull myself into gear!
A few hours later . . .
I am really loving AI so I asked the AI (which I will call Aisy in the future, rolls off the tongue better). Anyway, I asked Aisy for a publicity plan for my event and whew . . . she outdid herself. She has something for me to do every single day that will take a team of three or four to pull it off. Perhaps I had better ask her to amend it to what one person can reasonably do . . .