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Free Jigsaw Puzzles Online for all Ages

Older woman playing a Jigsaw puzzle

Free Jigsaw Puzzles Online Playing free jigsaw puzzles online offers a wealth of benefits, making it a valuable pastime for people of all ages. Yes, it’s not just for kids. At least that’s my argument as I love playing them and I am uh, over sixty heading into the 70s lane. Not only are the […]

Detours & Side Trips

So I am bit more spasmodic with my daily as usual but continuing on.   Since I always have a good excuse for such things today’s special is . . . I  am entertaining a cold. Nothing serious just a slow down, get off the freeway and onto a backroad kind of thing. Had a good […]

Nothing & Everything

Roses along a driveway

Play this as a Puzzle Yesterday started out a bit crazy and then continued crazy until finally life returned to normal in the late afternoon.  I don’t know who changed the dial for the day from normal to crazy but somehow it got changed and we had to go with it. Most of it started […]

Vancouver Ghosts with Jeff Davis

Ghosts in Vancouver, Washington An October Sunday afternoon was particularly spooky as a small group gathered at Covington House for a fireside chat of ghost encounters in the local area with author Jeff Davis. Reading from his latest book he selected little known stories and embellished them with facts and insights of personal encounters and […]

Happy Saint Bernard\’s

Happy Feet & Wagging Tails This morning as I came to work at the Fort Vancouver Bookstore I noticed a happy gathering of Saint Bernard\’s.  There was lots of friendly sniffs, wagging tails and excited greetings  as they prepared to take off for a \”Fitness Walk.\” Too bad I had to mind the store as […]

Every Cat Should Have a Window

We have two cats in our house. Freddie is a feral rescue who lives  mostly downstairs in our TV room and the garage. He comes in the upstairs a bit in the morning and evening to check things out but mostly he wants his space and freedom from Scary Larry our adopted cat from the […]

Genius at Work?

Thursday Just getting into the swing again of doing a daily. Not sure if its a good idea or stupid . . . that\’s how ideas go sometimes. Here is a morning shot of my desk. As you can see clutter to the left, clutter to the right and you don\’t even want to see […]

Wednesday, Wednesday

So! Did I throw you off with my \”Another Rainy Tuesday\” image on my Wednesday, Wednesday post. Which if you want to dig deep into the mystery of it, it\’s because I started this post yesterday . . . but got too busy with working on the website design complications . . . that it\’s […]

Daily October 9, 2023

Into a New Direction For the last ten years or so since leaving the Monastery I have been very up and down starting new projects. Some I actually completed and some fell splat after a month or two. Now I am on a new project to write Cozy Mystery Books. I have always wanted to […]